Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : J. Delanoy, TP Bases de donnees and personal project, niveau L1, IUT - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 64h

  • Licence : S. Rodriguez, niveau L1, 64h as a DCCE in Polytech'Nice (UCA).

  • Licence : J. Philip, Introduction au Web & Application du Web, niveau L2, Polytech Nice-Sophia - Université Côte d'Azur, 64h

  • Licence: T. Thonat, Informatique Theorique, niveau L3, Polytech Nice, Sophia-Antipolis, 64h

  • Master : G. Drettakis, Computer Graphics, 12h, CentraleSupelec; 6h Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 64h

  • Master : A. Bousseau, Computer Graphics, 9h, CentraleSupelec; 9h Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 64h


Y. Gryaditskaya and V. Deschaintre attended MAM and EGSR 2017 V. Deschaintre, S. Rodriguez, J. Philip and T. Thonat attended UCA Deep Learning School, 12-15 June 2017, Sophia-Antipolis, France. S. Rodriguez, J. Delanoy, T. Thonat and J. Philip attended Eurographics 2017, 24-28 April 2017, Lyon, France. Johanna Delanoy participated in the Doctoral Consortium at Eurographics 2017. Johanna Delanoy was a Student Volunteer at Siggraph 2017.


Theo Thonat presented his 3DV-2016 multi view inpainting work at the AFIG French conference.

  • PhD defended: Rodrigo Ortiz-Cayon, Mixed image-based rendering, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Dec. 2013, defended in Feb. 2017, advisor: G. Drettakis

  • PhD in progress: Théo Thonat, Multi-view image processing for image-based rendering, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Oct. 2015, advisor: G. Drettakis

  • PhD in progress: Johanna Delanoy, Data-driven sketch-based modeling, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Oct. 2015, advisor: A. Bousseau

  • PhD in progress: Jean-Dominique Favreau, geometric analysis of line drawings, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Oct. 2014, advisors: A. Bousseau and F. Lafarge (Titane)

  • PhD in progress: Valentin Deschaintre, lightweight material capture, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Nov. 2016, advisors: A. Bousseau and G. Drettakis

  • PhD in progress: Julien Philip, Mixed rendering for cultural heritage, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Nov. 2016, advisor: G. Drettakis

  • PhD in progress: Simon Rodriguez, Combining image-based and procedural modeling, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, started Nov. 2016, advisor: G. Drettakis


A. Bousseau was a reviewer for the PhD of Yulia Gryaditskaya (MPI Saarbruecken), Benoit Arbelot (Inria Rhône Alpes) and T. Stanko (Inria Rhône Alpes).